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How to Stay Motivated During the Week

 Hi everyone today I thought I'd do a post discussing some tips to try and stay motivated during the week. I know that the school year is ending soon, but it's important to stay focused. Hope you all enjoy, and maybe even use some of these tips. 

Before getting started I wanted to just say that you should first get a goal in mind. This goal will really help you stay focused for example making a certain GPA or getting better at a skill. 

Make a "To-Do" list
A "to-do" list will allow you to stay focused, and it's satisfying crossing off things on the list. Also, the list will allow you to really sit down and really think about your tasks for the day. 

Putting Phone Away
Putting your phone away will minimize distractions and allow you to stay focused on your designated tasks. I prefer to put my phone in another room, but putting your phone on "do not disturb" will give the same effect. 

Write Your Progress
Writing your progress down will allow you to see visual growth toward reaching your goal. This progress writing can be writing your grades down every week or video recording your progress for physical activity. 

Here are more tips: 

That's all I hope you all enjoyed, thank you for reading!
comment your feedback below. 
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