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Showing posts from January, 2021

January Favorites

Hi everyone today I wanted to share some of my favorite items for the month of January.     1. APPS - TikTok, I've been loving this app recently I'm always ob there watching fashion, comedy, and lifestyle content. I think that everyone should download this app because there's something for everyone on TikTok.  - Instagram, again I've always loved this app but I've really enjoyed interacting with people on there. And creating reels for my followers on my @lifewithwis account.  2. NorthFace Puffer   Where I live in Arkansas it can get pretty cold here, with light snow on some days. It was essential for me to get a jacket that will keep me warm, but also something that's cute. For Christmas I was kindly gifted my NorthFace Puffer seen in the picture above, it keeps me so warm and is so cute. I've been wearing it all January and I am in love, I plan on getting a black NorthFace Puffer in the same style in the future.  3. Matching Sets I have been L-O-V-I-N-G mat

What Joe Biden has done in his First Week

 Hi everyone today I'll be discussing what President Joe Biden has done in his first week of being President of the U.S. (Picture Credits: CNN) 15 executive orders - broken up into 10 parts 1. Pandemic - Heads of departments and agencies take immediate action to require compliance with CDC  guidelines - Requiring social distancing and masks in all federal buildings including employees and contractors - New office will be established to coordinate the response to the pandemic  - Also a new position called, "Coordinator of the COVID-19 response and counselor to the president", will be created 2. W.H.O - Biden offers the government to rejoin the "World Health Organization" ~ this move was welcomed by the U.N. secretary - Anthony Fauci announces that the U.S. will sign up for the WHOs covax program, to advance vaccine efforts - Biden pushes to accelerate vaccine roll out (100 million vaccines in 100 days) - Defense Production act will be activated in order to provid

All About the 2021 Inauguration Outfits

 Hi everyone today I'll be discussing the Biden family, Obama family, and Harris families outfits at the 2021 Inauguration. I hope you all enjoy! (Picture Credits: Los Angeles Times) The Biden Family (Picture Credits: The New Yorker) Joe Biden Joe Biden is seen on the right of the photo above and he is seen wearing a suit with a white dress shirt and light blue tie under. Biden is wearing the popular American designer "Ralph Lauren", the suit Joe Biden is wearing is navy.  Jill Biden Jill Biden is seen on the left of the photo above and she is wearing a light blue monochromatic calf-length coat and dress under it. The brand of Dr. Biden's outfit is "Markarian", a brand that designs customs pieces for celebrities.  Both Jill and Joe are wearing blue because Joe Biden is a democratic president, and the democratic party is represented by the color blue.  (Picture Credits: Biden Grandchildren The Biden grandchildren are seen in the picture above in mono

Why I Want to be a Journalist

 Hi everyone today I'm gonna be talking about why I want to be a journalist, I hope you all enjoy.  Hi I'm Wisdom and when I get older I want to become a broadcast journalist. Since I was younger I've always loved writing, when I was younger I actually wanted to be a screenplay writer. I began to want to be a journalist when I saw them on CNN I saw black news anchors like Don Lemon, Abby Phillips, and Fredricka Whitfeild. It was so amazing and inspiring to see black men and women reporting the news on such a large scale. When I was in 8th grade I job shadowed at my towns local new station, which was so fun. Last year I job shadowed at another local news station again, which was so fun. I'd love to be a journalist because I love writing, I love learning about politics, and I'd love to be a news anchor that people of color can look up to.  Thank you all so much for reading, I know today's post was short Keep up with me:

10 Fashion Question Tag

 Hi everyone today I'll be the 10 fashion questions tag from, I hope you all enjoy! 1. What is your favorite style to wear? My favorite style to wear currently is definitely comfy but cute, especially since I've been in the house a lot. I've been loving sweatsuits recently.  2. Who is your fashion role model? My celebrity fashion role model is definitely Emma Chamberlain, I love all of her outfits and she inspires me to put different color combos and patterns together.  3. What do you always have on?  I am always wearing my apple watch especially since I just got a sleeker looking band for it, I think its the perfect accessory.  4. What are your favorite jeans? I love any type of baggy, boyfriend, or loose-fitting jeans. I think that they look the best on my body and they're very comfortable.  5. What are your favorite sunglasses?  My favorite sunglasses are my blue rounded framed Gucci sunglasses, that were so kindly gifted to me by my mom.  6. Wh

3 Sustainable Brands I Want to Shop at in 2021

 Hi everyone today I'll be discussing 3 sustainable fashion brands I want to buy things from in 2021. This is in no way trying to say that you have to shop at these brands or that you need to shop sustainable.  Keywords: Fast Fashion:  a highly profitable business model based on replicating catwalk trends and high-fashion designs, and mass-producing them at low cost. Ex: FOREVER21 Why shop sustainable? Personally I still buy a good chunk of my clothing from fast fashion brands such as Forever21, Zara, H&M, and many more fast fashion brands. Though sustainable brands are known for having better quality pieces than fast fashion stores, and the clothing is more ethically made.  Why sustainable may not work? Sustainable clothing including the brands I'll be discussing today are more expensive than fast fashion brands, less size inclusive, and run out of products faster. These clothes are more expensive because they use more expensive fabrics. The brands also run out of products

All About the Georgia RunOffs

 Hi everyone today I'll be discussing the Georgia Senate race runoffs, my goal is to educate my you all on this topic.  (picture credits: What is a Run-Off election? According to "" a runoff election is a second election held to determine a winner when no candidate in the first election met the required threshold for victory. This is a great definition a runoff election occurs when a candidate doesn't earn 50% of votes in the first general election.  (Picture Credits: Why and Where is this Runoff occurring? This senate runoff election is occurring in Georgia and the reason this is happening because in Georgia specifically the 50% vote rule counts for candidates. According to 3 million Georgians got out and voted Tuesday, January 4th.  Who is running in the Senate race? There are 2 senate state runs the first is between republican Sen. David Purdue and democrat Jon Ossoff. The second is between republican Sen.  Kelly Loeff

2021 Fashion Predictions

 Hi everyone today I'll be discussing 4 clothing pieces that I think will be very trendy in 2021 1. La Manso Rings (Picture Credits: La Manso Rings) I have been seeing so many people wearing these rings they are all from "La Manso". They come in these cute bright colors and all have include different interesting shapes. I like how these rings play on the shape and proportions of a ring, I am very happy with this trend.  2. Masks This 2020 trend is definitely here to stay in 2021, because unfortunately there is still a global pandemic. I have been seeing a lot of people wearing silk masks like the picture above, and I think they're very cute.  3. Lounge-Wear This is another 2020 trend that will definitely be continuing in 2021 because there is a pandemic a lot of people spend a lot of their time at home. Lounge wear is perfect for staying home because you can be comfortable and cute while walking around the house. In my opinion it makes me feel productive, but I didn&#