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Brandon Bernard

 Hi everyone today I wanted to raise awareness and discuss the disgusting execution of Brandon Bernard on December 10, 2020 at 9:27 P.M. 

(Picture Credits:

About Brandon Bernard

Brandon Bernard was born on July 3, 1980 in San Antonio, Texas. He grew up around his mother, sister, and brother in Killeen, Texas. Bernard attended Killeen High School where he began to make friends with gang members, and would eventually join the gang himself.  

The Crime

In 1999 Brandon Bernard was 18-years-old, when a member of the gang named Christopher Vilva  forced Stacie and Todd Bagely out of their car and shot them. The member put the Bagley's in a truck and drove it to the location where Brandon and the other 2 gang members were. The gang member who shot the Bagley couple forced Brandon Bernard at gunpoint to set the truck where Todd and Stacie's bodies lay on fire. When the police came Brandon and the other 4 gang members were brought to jail, in 2000 Brandon would be sentenced to life without parole. Brandon Bernard's execution was a result of the Trump administrations push to forward the federal death penalty after a 17-year pause. 

The Days Prior to Brandon's Death

In the days before Brandon Bernard's execution his legal team began working overtime in order to save his life. They launched a campaign in order to prolong Brandon's execution until the Biden administration could review it. Unfortunately the judge, did not allow this motion to pass. Many activist who heard about Brandon's situation set up hundreds of petitions for the American public to sign in order for Brandon's execution to be prolonged. 

December 10, 2020 at 9:27 P.M.

On December 10, 2020, the day Brandon Bernard was set to be executed it was announced that all petitions were signed with enough signatures to prolong Brandon's execution. Unfortunately, these nor the words of Brandon's legal team could prevent Brandon Bernard's death. The only thing that could fully prevent this execution would be the intervention of Donald Trump. On December 10, 2020, at 9:27 at night Brandon Bernard was killed by lethal injection by the state of Indiana. Brandon Bernard left behind his 2 beautiful children, his mother, and his siblings. 


Brandon Bernard did not deserve to die, although what he did was wrong by setting the car on fire, he was always extremely remorseful and even took his last words to apologize to the family of his victims. Brandon Bernard did not kill Stacie and Todd Bagely, so why did he deserve to die? Why is that Christopher Watts a white man who killed his wife and 2 children gets to stay alive but, Brandon Bernard who didn't kill anyone had to die? Brandon Bernard's death shows that the American government does not care about black people at all. The fact that all Donald Trump had to was object to Brandon's execution and he couldn't even do that is sad. Why couldn't Donald Trump object to Brandon's death? Brandon didn't even kill anyone. As a black women in America its such an extreme let down that the government of the country you live in could care less about your life. 




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