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All about Resolutions

 Hi everyone today I'll be discussing everything you need to know about New Years Resolutions, and my personal opinions on resolutions.

What is a resolution

Merriam-Webster dictionary describes a resolution as, "a promise to do something differently in the new year Her New Year's resolution is to exercise regularly" (Merriam-Webster). This definition perfectly describes what a resolution is. A resolution is something that is different depending on you, and what your own personal goals are. 

The types of resolutions

In my opinion there are 2 types of resolutions there are mental resolutions and there are physical resolutions. Mental resolutions are resolutions created by people to improve their mental health, if that makes sense. For example a mental resolution could be thinking more positively or being more optimistic. Physical resolutions are resolutions created by people to improve for their physical appearance or the physical space around them. For example a physical resolution could be losing weight or trying to jog everyday. 

How to craft a resolution for you

This is my opinion on how to craft a resolution for an individual, this is just my opinion not facts. I think crafting a resolution for yourself is a step-by-step process the first step is to asses what your personal growth in the previous year. For example in 2020 I got my license, got great grades, and became more educated. This personal assessment is different depending on you. The second step is to asses your own personal downfalls of the previous year. The third step is to find something that you want to change about yourself this can be mental or physical. The final step is to based on what you want  to change, create a goal for yourself on how you're going to change what you don't like about yourself. Also just a side note I think when you say you don't like about yourself people automatically assume its negative, which it can be but its not always. Its normal to not like things about yourself and its not sad, its very very normal. 


In my opinion resolutions are good, but don't beat yourself up if you don't achieve your resolution. I like resolutions because they allow a person to have goals for the year, but if I don't achieve my resolution I don't get upset. As long as I've done something positive for myself or others, I'm satisfied. Overall, don't pressure yourself and do what you want to do with your year and your own personal goal.


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