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Showing posts from November, 2020

What I'm Grateful for this Thanksgiving (2020)

Today I'll be discussing things I'm grateful for, this year!  1. Family & Friends Family and friends is something I say every year that I'm grateful for, but this year especially my family & friends have helped me so much. My family has always been a source of happiness in my life, but I really appreciate my mom, dad, and grandparents for allowing me to talk to them whenever I need it. Even if it's something silly I know I can always go to them and they'll be there. Also my other family members as well, have allowed me a shoulder to cry on as well, and I'm extremely grateful. My friends, have also helped me by always again being a source of fun and happiness, and I'm extremely grateful for them.  2. A Happy Life I'm am extremely grateful to have a roof over my head, food on the table, supportive people around me, and good health. These 3 things make my life incredibly happy, and I will forever be grateful for these things. In 2020 these 3 things

4 Fun Things to do When You're Bored

 Hi everyone, in this blog post I'll be discussing 4 fun things, I've been doing when I get bored during   quarantine! 1. Watch Netflix During quarantine  I've been watching a ton of Netflix, if you don't have Netflix then I recommend  watching movies on YouTube. Every week I try to watch a new Netflix show or movie some of my favorite are "Selling Sunset", "Stranger Things", "Lady Bird", and "Perks of Being a Wildflower". All of these shows and movies you can stream YouTube.  2. Going on Walks I really liked going on walks with my family and friends before quarantine started, but definitely now during quarantine I go on walks all the time. My neighborhood is a good size to walk around, but if you're neighborhood is smaller then I'd recommend going to a trail. I personally go on walks with other people, to make it fun, I also bring my dog with me so she can get out of the house as well.  3. Go Online Shopping Now, I recomm

What I've Learned from 9th Grade to Now (11th grade)

 Hi everyone in this blog post I'll be discussing 2 lessons I've learned through high school, though I'm not done yet.  (October, Freshman Year, 2018) 1. Change is good Freshman year I wasn't the biggest fan of change, for example on the first day of school when I couldn't find where my classes were my whole day was ruined. I didn't like how the high school was bigger than my junior high school, I also didn't like how there were so many students to where the hallways were full. As I'm typing this, I can't help but laugh because during the 2020 school year there has been so much change related to my school, because I'm doing virtual. Change is very good, if I continued to have that mindset then I wouldn't be successful at all today. I also at first wasn't a fan of making new friends I just wanted to hangout with the same people, but I'm glad I shifted my mindset. Because again, change is good and very needed. (November, Junior Year, 20

Why Everyone Should Travel To San Francisco (after COVID-19 is over)

 Hi everyone, today I'll be discussing why everyone in my opinion should travel to San Francisco, California. Obviously The United States is in a pandemic so traveling is not really possible now, but I really missed traveling and wanted to reminiscence on this awesome trip. Remember everyone stay home, stay safe, & wear a mask.  1. Plethora of Tourist/Iconic Locations San Francisco is a beautiful place that features a lot of  places that have been seen in TV shows and movies for example, "Full House". When I visited San Francisco I knew that I had to visited the Iconic home that was featured in the show, the tourist location are actually people real homes. The homes have a nickname around San Francisco, called "The Painted Ladies". The picture on the right is a picture of me in front of the homes, they were all so beautiful and very unique style of architecture. Another huge tourist location is "China Town", this town is a beautiful piece of Asian 

Favorite Small Businesses

 Hi everyone on this blog I'll be discussing my 2 favorite small businesses, that were newly introduced to me! Why should you shop small? Everyone should try to shop at small businesses because they have great customer service, unique products, and you're giving business to smaller shops during COVID-19. The 2 businesses I'll be talking about today have amazing products and extremely responsive customer service. If you'd prefer to shop in-person then support local businesses in your community, they're in every city and state.  SimplySunshineJewels  Oh my gosh, where do I begin, this jewelry is simply stunning. I absolutely love these 2 items seen in the picture above, the hand earrings and the gem bracelet. The hand earrings are extremely nice and good quality, they're gold and the earring backs are just the standard rubber ones that make wearing the earrings so comfortable. The beautiful gem bracelet feature different colored jewels and the end of the bracelet

What Kamala Harris's Election Means To Me

 Hi everyone, today I'll be discussing what Kamala Harris being elected as Vice-President means to me!  (photo credits: The New York Times) Being a Black Woman in America Kamala Harris is the first black woman ever to be elected as Vice-President for the United States, this is a truly historic victory. As a young black girl growing up in America its amazing to see someone who looks like me in high roles in our government. A woman who looks like me will be making the laws, passing acts, and protecting human rights. That is extremely inspiring. Kamala Harris being elected is a symbol that America is being more progressive, the fact that a black woman was elected into the 2nd highest office of our country says something. 100 Years ago this year woman were granted the right to vote, and now we have a woman who was elected by the people of the United States to be our Vice President. That is so amazing, and shows that America has grown (though it still does need some work).  (picture cre

How to Cope With Election Anxiety

 This blog post is fully inspired by @justcheckingin.qte on insta, they had an amazing post about election anxiety.  (photo fron @justchecking.qte on insta) I know elections can be extremely nerve racking and scary for everyone, but I have found helpful ways to combat this stress that Id like to share with you all. I do 4 easy things that allow me to have mild instead of high anxiety/stress from the election.  1. Take breaks from Social Media Now, I understand this one can be hard especially since we live in a world completely saturated in social media. But I found it helpful if I put my phone on the charger and watched YouTube instead of CNN for a little bit, that I was much less stressed out. I did intervals of 30 minutes where Id watch CNN and completely be on my phone, and then after doing that for 30 minutes I switched off my phone and turned on YouTube and watched something carefree. I recommend watching funny things that will take your mind off the polls, for example my family a

Halloween: Corona Edition

 Happy election day, on today's blog I'll be discussing how I was able to have a fun Halloween while still being COVID-19 safe! In our country currently there is a global pandemic known as the "CoronaVirus" or "Covid-19" it has killed over 200,000 Americans, so its safe to say that Corona is a prevalent and deadly issue in our country. Putting politics aside I believe everyone should be taking this virus seriously to protect ourselves and others, this includes wearing a mask. I am currently enrolled in virtual school, because fortunately my school district gave parents a choice to choose in-person or virtual. My family and I chose virtual due to Corona. In early October I thought about what I wanted to do for Halloween. I knew trick-or-treating wasn't an option, so with I had to be creative.  So my friends and I came up with a plan that would allow us to still dress up and takes pictures, but still remain safe and follow COVID guidelines. We decided to d